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- 我部教练员王利被中国篮协聘为国家二队的助理教练 [2022-05-24]
- 新时代学校体育的三重育人价值 [2022-03-30]
- 师生有所呼 体育有所应 ——健身环境改善师生座谈会成功举办 [2022-03-19]
- 北京大学2022年寒假踢毽比赛圆满结束 [2022-03-09]
- 体育教研部成功举行救护技能培训及资格认证 [2022-03-05]
- 北京大学体育教研部召开全体教职工新学期动员大会 [2022-02-19]
- “健康校园,一起向未来”——北京大学冬季运动会成功举行 [2022-01-18]
- “燃情冰雪,献礼冬奥”——北京大学冬季运动会暨首届“北大杯”滑雪比赛成功举行 [2022-01-13]
- 2021-2022第一学期教学工作总结与课程思政交流会 [2022-01-05]
- 迎冬奥·北京大学第29届冬季越野赛顺利举行 [2021-12-12]
- 我部智慧场馆建设中一次特殊的验收 [2021-12-02]
- A special event was held at Peking University to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Chinese chess players win [2021-11-01]
- The 8th Peking University Humanities and sports high level forum was successfully held [2021-10-25]
- The 8th Peking University Humanities and sports high level Forum ——The sub Forum on sports power came to a [2021-10-25]
- The 8th Peking University Humanities and sports high level Forum - National Health and health China sub forum [2021-10-25]
- The 8th Peking University Humanities and sports high level Forum - 2022 Winter Olympics and China ice and snow [2021-10-25]
- The 8th Peking University Humanities and sports high level Forum - sub Forum on the integration of sports and [2021-10-25]
- 打破3项纪录 5金4银5铜 北大田径队首高秋季学生田径运动会再创佳绩 [2021-10-20]
- To promote the healthy development of e-sports industry, the healthy E-sports development center of the Depart [2021-09-24]
- Peking University Sports and Huangshi sports table tennis officially signed a contract for the integration of [2021-09-22]